I am under the impression that it is the “year of the selfie.” ”Selfies” are picture portraits of oneself typically taken with a smartphone camera. These “selfies” proliferate the Internet in every crook, crack and cranny that the virtual realm provides. Surprisingly, with a recent Wii U title The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker HD….players are given the opportunity to be able to take “Link selfies” making the immersive world of Zelda that much more immersive —- the “selfie” has transcended the Internet and our physical realms and comes packaged with Zelda waiting for you to share those selfies with the world via MiiVerse or other social media outlets.
This post is a curated post of my favorite “selfies” I have come across (many of them included are one’s shot by me). I really wanted to share these with you as we gear up for the physical retail copy release of Windwaker HD due October 4th.
Personally, I don’t find this function to be a gimmick as it makes “new hyrule” feel inhabitable more than ever.
In the coming weeks I will be posting my review of Windwaker HD. Look for it!!!! For now….enjoy these shots.