The day has finally come: the reboot of!
We’ve been promising it for ages, and it’s finally here. We toiled and slaved over a hot work laptop to slap a shiny new coat of paint on our lovely little blog here. “But Jeremy!,” you may ask, “it still looks like you’re using the same theme and layout from before!” You are correct! How observant of you! Give yourself a gold star. While the general look and feel remains unchanged, we’ve made subtle behind the scenes tweaks that allow us to make it much easier for you to find what you’re looking for. Want to see nothing but podcast episode posts? Awesome! Just hover your mouse over the lovely “Media” drop down menu and select “Podcasts.” Looking for that hilarious article that Ian wrote about the latest game he’s playing? Check out the “Reviews & Impressions” link from the “Blog Posts” drop down menu.
We know that as time went on with the podcast, we focused less and less on the blog aspect, save for the random post here and there. We are hoping to make this a thing of the past by blogging about whatever tickles our fancy, be it gaming, comic books, music, movies, our thirst for man parts, etc. Keep your eyes peeled for new content throughout the work week.
For those of you that are new to the Qoopa Klubhouse, welcome aboard! Take a moment to sample from our checkered podcast past by heading over to our LibSyn feed, or for those of you who are iTunes inclined, check us out there! We’ve also begun streaming game play sessions on our Twitch page, which we are hoping to archive on our YouTube page as well. For those of you that have been around for a while, we thank you so much for your support.