The boys play a game of Password. What more could you possibly want?! Oh yeah, we talk about video games, too.
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The Qoopa Kids decide to let their hair down and play a fun game of Nintendo Password, but first: Now Playing! We’ve got Tomb Raider, LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (3DS), Pokemon X/Y, Sonic: Lost World, Batman: Arkham City, FFXIV: A Realm Reborn, and Super Mario 3D World! We also take a moment to read and reply to a lovely fan email regarding our discussion on console hype from episode 33, and recoil in horror as Phil links us to furries porn. Be sure to stay for our game pitch: Eternal Dolphin.
*Additional music for this episode of the Qoopa Klub Podcast is copyrighted to Gaijin Games and Nintendo and is included under fair use protection.