You know, it’s been a while since I’ve put some words to paper, or in this case code that resembles printed word when compiled and executed. This year so far has been pretty busy for everyone, especially since so many games and new systems are coming out and will come out in the future. So many things to look forward to like the PS4 and Xbox One, not to mention the quality titles coming for the Wii U, 3DS, and the still hanging in there PS3 and Xbox 360. We all love to get our hands on the newest game or console and dive in head first into the glorious newness, but something happens. Our previous systems, the ones we still have if we didn’t trade them in for new systems, are still with us, along with many of the games that have been purchased. Although the last system I bought was the 3DS, I still have some titles sitting on my shelves that are in my backlog that I have yet to complete. Even now I can feel them staring at me, judging me for not following through, begging for another chance of life and entertainment. It got me thinking about how many games that I own that I really should finish, and what better way to compound that guilt by making a list of the 12 games that I really should finish. Some ground rules: I’m limiting myself to games that I currently own, and only one title per franchise. Otherwise there are going to be a ton of Atlus games on this list. Let’s get started then, because the sooner I start this list the sooner I can finish it and actually play these games.
12) Final Fantasy III – DS
I love me some Final Fantasy, as anyone who knows me can tell you. I was excited when Final Fantasy IV was announced for the DS, and was probably the reason why I bought the system in the first place, but I also recalled that Final Fantasy III was going to get a remake for the DS. This entry was the first in the game to really solidify and execute the job system, allowing players to customize their four person party to their liking. I picked it up and started playing it, but then only got so far. I think what made me falter away from it was the combat itself being a bit on the slow side, especially since Final Fantasy III does not use the Active Time Battle mechanic. I recently restarted it again, so here’s hoping.
11) Shin Megami Tensei IV – 3DS
When this game was announced, I was excited to hear about it because the other games in the series have received critical acclaim from players and reviewers. Utilizing the 3D capabilities of the 3DS was promising, and in game play was used sparingly while being effective in presentation. The small cast of characters were fleshed out excellently, and I started to peel back the layers of the setting, but then put the game down. Why? Well……. (insert Dream Team picture)
10) Gradius III – SNES
Shooters are a funny thing. They have to hit that sweet spot between difficulty and enjoyment, and I’ve played my share of them, but Gradius III was pretty special. Released early in the SNES’ life, it featured an amazing musical score, and despite the occasional slowdown during play, it really tested a player’s intuition and reflexes. Unfortunately, the thing that makes it frustrating is its relentless leaning on the player to keep them on their toes and throwing everything at them. I’ve only got as far as the fourth stage before rage quitting and pitching the controller against the wall. Someday, I swear.
9) Wild Arms 3 – PS2
The Wild Arms series is a curious and wondrous thing. Its theme is unconventional as much as its presentation and mechanics execution. Wild Arms 3 has this wild west/steampunk feel and asthetic to it, which is awesome. Great characters too paired well with a slightly eccentric combat system in that your MP is gained by attacking or “resting” in combat. Plus, there’s western themed music which is utterly delightful, but I never finished it. Why? Because at a certain point, it was difficult to get past a certain point of the game. Even with the assistance of an FAQ (don’t judge!) I wasn’t able to move forward past that point.
8) Silent Hill 2 – PS2
I loved, absolutely loved, the first Silent Hill game. Not only was the story top notch, but not only was the presentation cinematic and evoked not just dread and fear, but an equal amount of emotion and sympathy towards the main character of Henry Mason generated while playing. Hearing many good things about the series’ second entry intrigued me to hunt the game down and play it, but unfortunately it’s still on my shelf waiting to be finished. It’s not that I haven’t had time to play it, but there’s a part of me that doesn’t want to finish it because I know that the experience will end, and I will be left wanting for more.
7) Bug! – Sega Saturn
The Saturn is such an underestimated system since it’s constantly compared the Playstation. Bug! was a platformer that was released early in the system’s life about a bug…that…had to rescue his family? I guess? I’m not sure exactly because the game was very frustrating and unforgiving. One small misstep, and instant death.
6) Fire Emblem: Awakening – 3DS
I had this game on my radar before its release, and I knew I wanted to play it. Capcom’s games have consistently had high quality and since this was a turn based strategy RPG it was sure to hold my attention, but I could do anything with my units and have them pursue different classes. Still, there is the small possibility that in combat party units could perish in combat and die! That’s freaking harsh, dude!
5) Parasite Eve – PS
I loveRPGs, and I also love horror movies, so this game has my name all over it. The game is so unique in its presentation and mechanics. It requires a large amount of item management and item conservation that it makes it very difficult to play the game through to the end. I was so apprehensive to move forward in the game because I was scared I would have made the wrong decision and possibly lose valuable items.
4) Galactic Attack – Sega Saturn
Another shooter, but from a top-down perspective that features a great music soundtrack and explosive and eye-popping visuals as you pilot your ship against wave after wave of enemies. Thankfully you have targeted lasers on your side as you power up your weapons, but ultimately what prevented me from completing this game is the limited number of continues to finish the game.
3) Contra 4 – DS
The classic run and gun genre perfected, and then updated for this current gen system, it fully utilized the dual screens and brought the well known weapons and upgraded them to seem new and refreshing. It still retains the character of the original NES games in that it’s hard as balls, and has multiple difficulty levels. I just can’t get past the fifth level no matter how careful I am when playing.
2) Pocky and Rocky – SNES
A top down shooter that has an overwhelmingly Japanese flair and style, Pocky and Rocky, a fledgling Shinto priestess and raccoon goblin respectively, take up arms to fight the Goblin King to prevent him from taking over the land. The game looks so cute and cartoony that it distracts you from how balls hard this game is, with limited continues, enemies approaching from all eight directions, and when playing with a friend in a two-player game the potential to bump into each other and shoot them into harm’s way. It’s definitely a trump card up someone’s sleeve.
1) Pokemon X – 3DS
I’ve never played an entry in the Pokemon series. The first game came out when I started college and just didn’t catch my attention nor my fancy I surmise just because of my age. When the new X and Y were announced, I started to read up on the entries, and discovered that many of the “issues” that fans had with previous entries have been remedied for these new titles. Information was steadily released about the new games, and it aroused my interest and curiosity, and I received the game as a gift. I started up the game and….and….well, there’s a bit of tedium to the game in taking your team, leveling them up in order to tackle the gym leader, switching out to other pokemon and leveling them up. That significantly increases the amount of play time and the amount of grinding which at times can be very tedious. I’m not saying I’m not going to finish the game, it’s just going to take me much longer than I originally thought. And fuck you, Team Flare!
Hope you enjoyed the list! If you have any games that you still need to finish to this day, leave a comment below!